What is dental implant restoration? Everything You Need to Know

Are you considering dental implants? You're not alone. Dental implants are one of the most popular tooth replacement options available today.

They offer several benefits over other options, such as dentures, including a more natural look and feel, improved chewing and speaking ability, and increased durability. 

Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are permanently fixed in place and can last for many years with proper care. Restoration of a single implant can involve multiple stages and procedures, but the result is a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

If you're considering dental implants, it's important to be aware of the entire process so you know what to expect. Keep reading for a complete overview of dental implant restoration. 

What exactly are dental implants?

In short, they are artificial roots that are placed in your jawbone to support one or more artificial teeth. The first step in the dental implant process is to have the implant root—usually made of titanium—inserted into your jawbone. Once the root has healed and bonded with the bone, an abutment (connector piece) is placed on top of it. Finally, a natural-looking artificial tooth (crown) is placed on top of the abutment. 

Types of crown procedures used:

There are two primary types of dental implant restoration: screw-retained and cemented. With a screw-retained restoration, the implant is secured in place with a titanium screw. This type of restoration is typically used for implants that are located in areas of high stress, such as the molars.

A cemented restoration, on the other hand, is held in place with dental cement. This type of restoration is often used for implants that are located in less stressed areas, such as incisors. While both types of implant restoration are effective, the best option for each patient will be determined by the location of the implant and the patient's overall oral health.

Routine Dental Implant Restoration Procedure:

Before the dental implant procedure can begin, the dentist will need to take x-rays and 3D images of the mouth to determine the best placement for the implants. It is important to ensure that the implants are placed in an area of the mouth that can support them, as well as to avoid any major nerves or blood vessels.

Three-step Dental Implant Restoration Process:

The dental implant process typically takes place in three steps:

1. Insertion of the implant root:

The first step is to insert the titanium implant root into the jawbone. This is typically done using a local anesthetic to numb the area. In some cases, sedation may also be used. Once the posts have been placed, the jawbone will need to heal for several months before the next stage of treatment can begin. During this time, patients will wear a temporary denture or bridge.

2. Abutment placement:

Once the implant root has healed and bonded with the bone (a process that can take several weeks to several months), the next phase of treatment is known as abutment placement. During this procedure, an abutment is placed on each titanium post. An abutment is a small connector piece that acts as a base for the dental crown. After the abutments have been placed, patients will again need to wait for the jawbone to heal before moving on to the next phase of treatment.

3. Crown placement:

The final step is to place the artificial tooth (crown) on top of the abutment. The crown is usually made of porcelain or ceramic and is designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth. Once the crowns have been placed, patients will be able to eat, drink, and speak normally. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

It is important to note that the entire dental implant process can take several months to complete. In some cases, it may be necessary to wait a year or more between each stage of treatment. The length of time will vary depending on the individual case.

Benefits of Dental Implant Restoration:

Dental implants are a permanent way to replace teeth. The tooth restoration is a titanium screw that is placed into the jawbone and fuses with the bone over time. The implant functions and feels like a natural tooth would. There are many benefits to dental implants, including:

 ·         Speech improvement

·         Proper chewing ability

·         Refined facial features

·         No shifting teeth

·         No cavities

·         Improved oral health

·         Increased self-esteem and confidence

Caring for Dental Implants:

Dental implants require the same type of care as natural teeth. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. In addition, it is important to avoid hard or sticky foods that could damage the implant.

It is also important to note that smokers are at an increased risk for implant failure. This is because smoking can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection. If you are a smoker, it is important to quit at least two weeks before and after your implant surgery.

What Does Dental Implant Restoration Cost?

Dental implant restoration is a necessary but expensive dental procedure. The cost of the procedure depends on several factors, including how many teeth need replacement and the type of implants used. For example, titanium implants are more expensive than ceramic implants, but they are also more durable. In addition, the location of the implant will also affect the price. For instance, an implant in the front of the mouth will be more expensive than an implant in the back of the mouth. Ultimately, the best way to get an accurate estimate of dental implant restoration cost is to consult with a qualified dentist.


Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement option because they offer several benefits over other options, such as dentures. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. If you are considering dental implants, be sure to talk to your dentist about the risks and benefits.


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