Root Canal

If you have severe pain inside your tooth as a result of inflammation or infection, you may need a root canal to save that tooth. Root canals are one of the many endodontic services that Dr. Rupporn Priyawat and Dr. Maria Kim provide at Omnia Dental Care, located in Chino Hills, California. Call the office right away to make an appointment for an emergency root canal.

Root Canals Q&A

What is a root canal?

The team at Omnia Dental Care saves damaged, infected, or decaying teeth by performing a root canal instead of an extraction. Causes of a damaged or infected tooth include:

  • Deep cavities

  • Tooth fractures or cracks

  • Other tooth injuries or trauma

  • Repeated dental procedures

During this procedure, Dr. Priyawat or Dr. Kim cleans the inside of the tooth’s root, called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves, and nourishes the tooth to keep it healthy.

Immediate root canal treatment is key to saving a severely injured tooth, as infections in the pulp can spread to surrounding tissues or cause the tooth to die. 

Do I need a root canal?

If you have a damaged pulp, call Omnia Dental Care to schedule a dental evaluation right away. Symptoms that indicate the need for an emergency root canal include:

  • Tooth pain

  • Tooth discoloration

  • A tooth abscess

  • A tooth infection

  • A hole in your tooth

  • Temperature sensitivity

  • Gum swelling

  • Facial or neck swelling

Dr. Priyawat or Dr. Kim goes over your medical history and completes a thorough dental examination, which includes X-rays, to let you know if you need a root canal.

What should I expect during a root canal?

First, Dr. Priyawat or Dr. Kim numbs the affected area so you won’t feel discomfort during the procedure. After the tooth is numb, Dr. Priyawat or Dr. Kim performs the next steps:

  • Makes an incision at the top of your tooth

  • Cleans out the pulp

  • Fills the empty space with a rubber-like material

  • Places a temporary filling

To prevent an infection after the procedure, you may need to take antibiotics. Your tooth might also feel sensitive for several days following the procedure.

On a follow-up visit, the team at Omni Dental Care places a permanent filling or crown on the tooth for further protection. Once this is complete, your tooth will be fully restored.

How long does a restored tooth last?

If you properly care for your restored tooth, it can last a lifetime. Be sure to floss and brush with fluoride toothpaste twice every day, and go to regular dental checkups to prevent further problems.

If you are experiencing symptoms of severe tooth damage or infection, call Omnia Dental Care right away to schedule a root canal to save your tooth.